The Screen Reader Experience

Felt: About


The goal of Felt is to generate awareness for web accessibility problems individuals in the blind community face.


Users undergo the same web experience of individuals that rely on a screen reader assitive technology. This challenging experience creates empathy for these individuals.


After the experience, individuals can learn more about accessibilty design, why it matters and how to include accessibility into their own design and development practice.

Created by Angela Delise

Felt was created by Angela Delise for her Masters of Fine Arts thesis in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design.

She has always had an interest in accessible design and conducted 9 months of research and development to create this experience.

She hopes that this web experience will bring awareness to digital accessibility issues and motivate designers and developers to create more inclusive work.

Ready to enter the Screen Reader Experience?

Please turn on speakers
**You will explore this website using a screen reader simulator.
You will not have access to the visual design of the site.**